Wandsworth SME create 100% recycled plastic packaging - while Coca Cola, M&S, Unilever and Pepsi claim they can't commit until 2025. Can't or won't?
Speaking at the fourth annual 'Our Oceans' conference in Malta, Prince Charles stressed the importance of plastic waste in our oceans.
The conference was also addressed by Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat, Federica Mogherini, the EU Foreign Affairs High Commissioner, and Karmenu Vella, the EU's Fisheries Commissioner, to name a few.
The conference is expected to bring an announcement of pledges to protect the sea, 40 ministers from over 100 countries are in attendance.
Prince Charles urged the consumer to match the commitment made by a few worldwide brands in an desperate effort to stop plastic pollution further destroying our oceans.
Sign Delphis Eco's Plastic Pledge here
The Prince said, “Plastic is indeed now on the menu! Faced with such damaging effects on the ocean from plastic waste from the throw-away, convenience lifestyles of many around the world, it is, I believe, utterly crucial that we transition to a circular economy.”
By 2050 the ocean will contain more plastic than fish warned researches, a fact that Price Charles highlighted at the conference.
A prediction that only highlights the lack of urgency from brand heavyweights, such as Coca Cola and M&S, stating a vague timeframe of transitioning to recycled plastic packaging by 2025.
If we can do it, why can't they?
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