Freshen up this Freshers week!

Freshers week is the week Universities welcome their new students. The week when students move into their student housing and register for their upcoming courses. Whether you are a new student or you’re returning, this is a great time to make new friends, become a little more independent, and finally, fly the nest! Starting University is an exciting time, from deciding which University to attend, to what cleaning essentials to buy, going to university will give you a real sense of what ‘adulting’ is like.
As you navigate university life, budgeting will be an important part of your experience. But if you are environmentally conscious, you don't have to pay a fortune to do your bit.
Also, cleaning products should not only be eco-friendly but also powerful enough to prevent you and your housemates from catching Freshers Flu!
So if you are passionate about our planet, what will you be doing this freshers week? We have a few suggestions to help you make eco-friendly choices this semester.
Freshers Fayre
Passionate about the planet? Why not sign up for an environmental society and make your university more sustainable? Meet up regularly with like-minded people to see what you can do to help the planet, or find out what your university is already doing to become more sustainable.
Let’s not pretend that Freshers Week is just about signing up to societies; partying the night away is what student life is all about! So ditch the plastic cups for recycled paper cups, or better still, trust your friends with your new glassware and mugs! Party freely whilst reducing your plastics and carbon footprint.
Houseshare Cleaning
Whether it's clearing up after pre-drinks or after a messy house party, we have you covered with our Delphis Eco Student Bundle.
Our Student Bundle contains everything you need to keep your student housing clean this semester.
These products have been selected to help you on your quest to become more independent whilst looking out for our planet. Our products are vegan-friendly, 100% recyclable, and environmentally positive without breaking the bank.
Our new Student Bundle contains;
- Anti-Bac Spray (700ml)
- Washing up Liquid (500ml)
- Hand Soap (350ml)
- Toilet cleaner (750ml)
- Bathroom Cleaner (700ml
By using Delphis Eco products, you will be supporting an environmentally-positive, circular economy that uses non-toxic ingredients.
Yes, that's right, all our products are free from phosphates and phosphonates, EDTAs, APEs, and VOCs, which are typically found in everyday cleaning products.
Make a positive start to this semester by choosing student-friendly cleaning products that have the planet in mind.
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