Damer's First School present their new Eco Turtle Refill Station to the Prince of Wales School

Damer's First School in Poundbury, Dorset proudly taught Prince of Wales School pupils all about their new Delphis Eco Turtle Refill Station this week.
Below: Eco Crew member, Rachel aged 7 teaching the neighbouring school about the refill system.
Rachel, aged 7 is part of the school's successful Eco Crew run by teacher Edd Moore.
The inspirational Damer's Eco Crew joined Delphis Eco in London during Recycling Week last September to see our new recycled packaging. Rachel (above) holds our unique grey coloured bottle made of 100% recycled plastic milk bottles.
The Eco crew demonstrating how to use the Eco Turtle dispenser, made from recycled car metal.
The Eco Turtle Refill Dispenser, launched by Delphis Eco in 2011 aims to teach school children about the importance of reusing and recycling. The Eco Turtle contains Delphis Eco's award winning Multi-Purpose Cleaner, Anti-Bacterial Sanitiser and Washroom Cleaner; all available for parents to buy in concentrate form.
The visionary Eco Crew were recently featured on Newsround.
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